Ever since Fidel Castro came to power as the leader of Cuba's communist regime in 1959, Havana has remained all but impenetrable to the outside world....
Like the structures he photographs, Engels uses a timeless approach to the artistic and technical aspect of his work. He uses a Sinar camera with a 4 x 5 inch format, standing under a darkening cloth, just as photographers did a century ago. Using a Polaroid image to feel and see the light, Engels takes a single shot of each building. The images were taken in 1997 and 1999.
The buildings and streetscapes depicted in Havana speak to us of yesterday, today, and tomorrow. They are resonant with history, and with culture, and they tell us a story that is not really about architecture at all, but one of change and immutability, of despair and hope.
....Beth Dunlop/HAVANA the photography of Hans Engels
This is a travelling exhibition. If you are interested in the project...contact Hans Engels. It shows 20 colourphotographs 60/80cm framesize and one Tryptichon 213/60cm.
HAVANA the photograpy of Hans Engels at Amazon
Hans Engels Radio Interview Bayern2
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Palacio Ursulinas
Alberto de Armas residence
Cuban Telephone Company
La Moderna Poesia bookstore
Cinema Cuba
Casa de Dámasco Guitiérrez Cano
Apartment building
Apartment Building on Malecón
City residence
Olan Tower Building
Julio Alvarez residence
Row houses on Malecón, Triptychon
Villa in Vibora
Herminia García residence